
Magic! The Fantastic Feinstein: How To Make Privacy Disappear While Appearing To Defend It

Vatic Note:  So my question is "Why?"  Why is she doing this?  Who is she?  Is she a foreign agent trying to destroy the nation?  I don't know, but its clear she does not see herself as loyal to this country or its founding principles.  We have said that on here several times before, especially after he dragonian gun control bill.

Once you read this very good presentation below, the left will definitely understand why not one single gun owner that I know, will give up their guns to anyone.  Ammo is already being made from scratch to offset the manipulation of availability of ammo within the stores.  Remember Soros, who works for the Rothschild banking consortium, bought up gun ammo manufacturing companies and that is why we have a shortage.

But that is neither here nor there where this discussion is concerned.  It was only brought up to educate the left on why no one will give up any of their guns or comply with any of her unconstitutional mandates where the owners are concerned.  Now you know why.  Its so clear below and added to her proven corruption within her committees and the benefits of same to her husband and herself, financially.... you can see why she wants to be able to spy on all of us without protections offered against such tyranny.

Do you blame her?  Wouldn't all crooks like a break that way?  Of course they would.  If she had acted differently toward all this,  we may have been able to justify her actions in some other way, but its clear that criminality is a large part of the consideration for repression of the American  people.  I have no doubt about that.  Her district needs to help us clean house of these violators of their oaths who were elected in a fraudulent and deceptive way.  

Jonathan Turley ~ The Fantastic Feinstein: How To Make Privacy Disappear While Appearing To Defend It

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