
Silly Sh*t Sheeple say

***You are not going to believe this..... they are actually giving me a hard time putting this one up.  They would not let me post the embedded to the video. I had to write to google and ask why they were censoring such a silly video? After that they let me put it up.  Check it out.   I guess they don't want the sheep to see this, huh?  LOL 

Vatic Note: Now this video was hilarious.  Having said that, let me make it clear that the reason I might feel this way is because I actually have a blog and have experienced this way more than the average person.  You normally throw up your hands when it happens.

For the first time with this video below, I actually laughed like crazy.  I will remember this video when someone does  say something stupid.  And then I can  laugh my head off again, instead of being mad or discouraged. People have no idea how hard we work and the trench warfare we go through to educate and expose.  Believe me when I say that whatever war comes, it will only  be an extension of what good bloggers have been going through for years.  They take as much abuse from those they are trying to save as they do from the Zionist pig Bilderbergs.   

Silly Sh*t Sheeple say 
Published on Feb 27, 2013
uploanded by lovesbeing
Short film made in one day - hope you likey !!
made with help from my good buddy chris
http://www.youtube.com/scarycoyote (his page)

I'm located in the Bay Area and I'm looking for awake and aware individuals to play roles in my vids. If interested please send me a pm. Thanks and Truth out!


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