
Easter Island’s Statues Reveal Bodies Covered With Unknown Ancient Petroglyphs

Vatic Note:  Now this is fascinating, and revealing.   Please read and note how the world as we knew it did not exist, instead another world of greater presence has emerged and is expansive and wonderful.   I resent that we have been kept  in the dark for thousands of years so we would not know our true history on this planet.  But all of that is changing..... THE VEILS ARE LIFTING as promised.  What a glorious legacy that has been left to us and its up to us to discover every single bit of it and experience it as it was meant to be.  

Easter Island's Statues Reveal Bodies
Covered With Unknown Ancient Petroglyphs
by Allison, Philosophers Stone

7 June, 2012

Standing some 2,000 miles west of Chile, on the Easter Island, 887 mysterious giant statues have intrigued scientists and the public for years.

For a long time it was believed that the massive statutes consisted of just the heads.

However, in October 2011, when the Easter Island Statue Project began its Season V expedition, scientists could reveal remarkable photos showing that the bodies of the statues go far deeper underground than just about anyone had imagined.

Project director Jo Anne Van Tilburg said: "Our EISP excavations recently exposed the torsos of two 7m tall statues.

The statutes on Easter Island have bodies covered with ancient undeciphered petroglyphs. Image credit: EISP.ORG
Image credit: EISP.ORG
Hundreds, perhaps thousands, of visitors to the island have been astonished to see that, indeed, Easter Island statues have bodies!
More important, however, we discovered a great deal about the Rapa Nui techniques of ancient engineering.”
Among their discoveries, the team discovered:
  • · The dirt and detritus partially burying the statues was washed down from above and not deliberatelyplaced there to bury, protect, or support the statues
  • · The statues were erected in place and stand on stone pavements
  • · Post holes were cut into bedrock to support upright tree trunks
  • · Rope guides were cut into bedrock around the post holes
  • · Posts, ropes, stones, and different types of stone tools were all used to carve and raise the statues upright
The team also discovered that ceremonies were certainly associated with the statues.On the project website, Van Tilburg said: "We found large quantities of red pigment, some of which may have been used to paint the statues.

Finally, and perhaps most poignantly, we found in the pavement under one statue a single stone carved with a crescent symbol said to represent a canoe, or vaka.

The backs of both statues are covered with petroglyphs, many of which are also vaka.
A direct connection between the vaka symbol and the identity of the artist or group owning the statue is strongly suggested."

Image credit: EISP.ORG

Image credit: EISP.ORG
Image credit: EISP.ORG

Still, many of these ancient petroglyphs remain undeciphered and the history of one of the most remote islands in the world is now even more mysterious than ever.

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