
Breaking News from Libya

Vatic Note:  This guy is great and he has been following this very very closely and its the most detailed description of what is happening on the ground in Libya, and he calls it exactly like it is.  This is the very best report on Libya I have ever heard.  His sarcasm is delightful.   Its amazing how distorted our news agencies are and that is a war crime and they will see trials over this.  We are getting our butts bruised badly.   It just might be that Libya may well hold its ground.  People in the rebel movement are leaving and joining the citizens of Libya against the NATO, CIA and mossad backed and funded rebels.  Very excellent report and well worth the time to listen and find out just how badly we are getting whooped.  Is this one of the items the elite want ignored and are creating news that distracts from this information???  Is that why Soros started the protest movement that he has apparently lost control of???  Serves him right. 

Breaking News October 1, 2011 - Libya
Uploaded by on Oct 2, 2011

This has triggered fights in several areas of Tripoli and even in Misrata. There are "Clashes between units of the rebels' Misrata Brigades" and the Benghazi Brigades. The report is that all kinds of automatic weapons, grenade launchers, and mortars are being used. Also adding to the infighting among the NATO rebels is the formation of an anti deserters brigade which will shoot all deserters who retreat from the battlefield near Sirte, or attempt in any way not to participate in battle.


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